Carian mengenai topik major-highways

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai major-highways dari Astro Awani

Traffic building up on several major highways this morning

Traffic building up on several major highways this morning

Traffic has increased at Permatang Pauh-Perai, Slim River-Sungkai, Setia Alam-Shah Alam and Bandar Gamuda Cove-Bandar Saujana Putra.
Thu Feb 08 2024
High traffic volume along major highways this evening

High traffic volume along major highways this evening

There has been high traffic volume detected along major highways as of 5 pm today.
Mon Dec 25 2023
Aidiladha: Slow-moving traffic along major highways

Aidiladha: Slow-moving traffic along major highways

PLUS said traffic was slow northbound from Slim River, Perak to Sungkai, as well as from Bidor to Tapah and Tapah to Gopeng.
Wed Jun 28 2023
Heavy traffic flow towards Klang Valley

Heavy traffic flow towards Klang Valley

Heavy traffic flow has been reported on major highways heading towards the Klang Valley as of 9 pm today.
Fri May 06 2022
Heavy traffic flow on major highways as at 2 pm

Heavy traffic flow on major highways as at 2 pm

Traffic flow is getting heavier on the main highways due to the increase in the number of vehicles on the road as at 2 pm today.
Thu May 05 2022
Heavy traffic towards KL as city dwellers return home after Raya holidays

Heavy traffic towards KL as city dwellers return home after Raya holidays

Traffic flow on major highways heading to the capital is experiencing severe congestion due to the high number of vehicles as city dwellers begin to return to their homes.
Wed May 04 2022
Smooth traffic on major highways on third day of Raya

Smooth traffic on major highways on third day of Raya

Traffic was reported to be smooth and under control on all major highways on the third day of Aidilfitri today following a drop in the number of vehicles on the roads.
Wed May 04 2022
Slow-moving traffic on several major highways this morning

Slow-moving traffic on several major highways this morning

Traffic is reported to have picked up on several highways and main roads to the north, south and east coast of the peninsula this morning as more people return to their hometowns.
Sun May 01 2022
Slow traffic, congestion on major highways, roads

Slow traffic, congestion on major highways, roads

Traffic on several major highways and roads was reported to be slow and congested this morning as city folk continue to head to their villages and hometowns to celebrate Aidilfitri.
Sat Apr 30 2022
Smooth traffic on all major highways  as of midday

Smooth traffic on all major highways as of midday

Traffic flow on all major highways was reported to be smooth as of 1 pm today.
Sun Apr 03 2022
Slow moving traffic on several major highways this afternoon

Slow moving traffic on several major highways this afternoon

Congestion was also reported before the Gombak Toll Plaza exit heading towards the city centre.
Sun Feb 06 2022
Slow moving traffic on several major highways this afternoon

Slow moving traffic on several major highways this afternoon

Traffic on several major highways was reported to be slow-moving this afternoon as holidaymakers return home after the Chinese New Year celebration.
Wed Feb 02 2022
CNY: Smooth traffic flow on major highways

CNY: Smooth traffic flow on major highways

Traffic flow along several major highways was reported to be smooth and under control ahead of the Chinese New Year celebrations tomorrow.
Mon Jan 31 2022
Interstate travel: All quiet at bus terminals, main highways but busy weekend expected

Interstate travel: All quiet at bus terminals, main highways but busy weekend expected

The first day of the resumption of interstate travel nationwide is running smoothly on several major highways nationwide, but this could be attributed to it being a working day for most people.
Mon Oct 11 2021
Aidiladha: Smooth traffic flow on major highways

Aidiladha: Smooth traffic flow on major highways

Traffic flow in both directions of the North-South Expressway was also smooth due to low traffic flow.
Tue Jul 20 2021
Jenayah: Dua lelaki didakwa sindiket Trojan Spymax

Jenayah: Dua lelaki didakwa sindiket Trojan Spymax

Dua lelaki rakyat Malaysia yang dilaporkan diektradisi ke Singapura, hari ini disyaki ahli satu sindiket penipuan antarabangsa dikenali sebagai Trojan Spymax.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Ringgit dijangka rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka diniagakan sekitar RM4.70-RM4.71 berbanding Dolar AS minggu depan, susulan tumpuan terhadap keputusan kadar faedah Bank Pusat Australia dan data ekonomi global.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Fasa penstabilan Bursa Malaysia berterusan minggu depan

Fasa penstabilan Bursa Malaysia berterusan minggu depan

Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus stabil minggu depan dengan FBM KLCI diniagakan antara 1,600-1,620. Pelabur mungkin mengurangkan dagangan sempena cuti Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Switzerland tewaskan Hungary 3-1 dalam aksi Kumpulan A

Switzerland tewaskan Hungary 3-1 dalam aksi Kumpulan A

Switzerland tampil bergaya membuka kempen Euro 2024 setelah menewaskan Hungary dengan kemenangan 3-1 di Stadium Cologne pada Sabtu malam.

Ia sekaligus mungkin menjadi penentu untuk negara itu mara ke peringkat seterusnya dalam saingan kumpulan Euro 2024.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Sidang kemuncak damai Ukraine di Switzerland: Penolakan terma gencatan Rusia

Sidang kemuncak damai Ukraine di Switzerland: Penolakan terma gencatan Rusia

Sidang kemuncak di Switzerland membincangkan penyelesaian konflik Rusia-Ukraine. Pemimpin Itali dan Jerman menolak terma gencatan senjata Putin sebagai propaganda dan keamanan diktator.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Ribuan warga Israel banjiri jalan Tel Aviv, desak Netanyahu

Ribuan warga Israel banjiri jalan Tel Aviv, desak Netanyahu

Ribuan warga Israel membanjiri beberapa jalan di Tel Aviv pada Sabtu malam sebagai protes terhadap kekejaman Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

Protes itu antara lain menuntut pilihanraya diadakan serta menuntut perjanjian pembebasan tebusan dan mengkritik kerajaan rejim itu dalam mengendalikan peperangan menentang Hamas.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Netanyahu ikrar tumpaskan Hamas, bawa pulang tebusan

Netanyahu ikrar tumpaskan Hamas, bawa pulang tebusan

PM Israel, Netanyahu, ikrar kekal dengan misi perang untuk tumpaskan Hamas dan bawa pulang tebusan, walau prospek gencatan senjata semakin kabur.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Kekejaman zionis: Qatar, Mesir rancang jumpa Hamas bincang gencatan senjata

Kekejaman zionis: Qatar, Mesir rancang jumpa Hamas bincang gencatan senjata

Penasihat keselamatan White House, Jake Sullivan sahkan pengantara Qatar dan Mesir rancang untuk libatkan Pejuang Hamas bagi melihat sama ada terdapat cara meneruskan cadangan gencatan senjata Gaza yang ditawarkan oleh Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Joe Biden.
Sat Jun 15 2024
GRS perlu henti salahkan orang lain, selesai krisis air Sabah - Shafie Apdal

GRS perlu henti salahkan orang lain, selesai krisis air Sabah - Shafie Apdal

Gabungan Rakyat Sabah diminta berhenti menyalahkan orang lain terutama rakyat sebaliknya bersungguh menyelesaikan isu air di Sabah.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Sistem pendidikan KAFA perlu dinamik - TPM Fadillah

Sistem pendidikan KAFA perlu dinamik - TPM Fadillah

Peranan pendidikan KAFA sangat relevan dalam mendukung aspirasi pendidikan negara ke arah melahirkan modal insan yang berakhlak tinggi.
Sat Jun 15 2024