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Disease threatens years of orange output in top grower Brazil

Disease threatens years of orange output in top grower Brazil

With no proven cure on the market, entire orchards have been lost to what's known as citrus greening disease which results in stunted fruit.
Sun Sep 10 2023
Don't be judgmental, provide moral support to former drug addicts - AADK

Don't be judgmental, provide moral support to former drug addicts - AADK

Sutekno Ahmad Belon said some of them returned to old habits because they were cast aside, treated as unworthy and hit with harsh words.
Wed Aug 23 2023
Pengeluar vaksin Biontech didakwa di mahkamah Jerman berhubung pertikaian paten

Pengeluar vaksin Biontech didakwa di mahkamah Jerman berhubung pertikaian paten

Curevac menyaman pesaingnya, Biontech untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi, dengan menuduh pengeluar utama vaksin Covid-19 itu melakukan pelanggaran paten.
Wed Aug 16 2023
Quack 'aphrodisiac' from lizard a hit in Pakistan

Quack 'aphrodisiac' from lizard a hit in Pakistan

In a clamorous bazaar, hot-blooded Pakistani men seek a cold-blooded cure for their sexual ills.
Sun May 14 2023
Exclusive: Musk's Neuralink faces federal probe, employee backlash over animal tests

Exclusive: Musk's Neuralink faces federal probe, employee backlash over animal tests

Neuralink Corp is developing a brain implant it hopes will help paralyzed people walk again and cure other neurological ailments.
Tue Dec 06 2022
UK researchers cure man who had COVID for 411 days

UK researchers cure man who had COVID for 411 days

The man caught COVID in December 2020 and continued to test positive until January this year.
Sat Nov 05 2022
Alzheimer's disease: Five things to know

Alzheimer's disease: Five things to know

Alzheimer's disease affects more than 30 million people worldwide and remains an illness for which there is no cure.
Wed Sep 21 2022
[COLUMNIST] Way towards a healthier society

[COLUMNIST] Way towards a healthier society

Labelling which informs and warns are equally necessary, after all "prevention is better than cure".
Tue Aug 23 2022
Oldest patient yet cured of HIV after stem cell transplant:  Researchers

Oldest patient yet cured of HIV after stem cell transplant: Researchers

As well as being the oldest, the patient has also had HIV the longest, having been diagnosed in 1988.
Thu Jul 28 2022
Chia seeds are a superfood that's got skincare covered

Chia seeds are a superfood that's got skincare covered

The lesser-known oil obtained from chia seeds is now being praised for its skincare benefits.
Sun Jun 26 2022
Ocean Infinity ready to resume MH370 search on no cure, no fee deal

Ocean Infinity ready to resume MH370 search on "no cure, no fee" deal

Ocean Infinity held a meeting with Dr Wee Ka Siong here today, as the marine robotics company shared its readiness to resume the search operation for the MH370 based on a "no cure, no fee" deal.
Mon Jun 20 2022
First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

Since receiving the cord blood to treat her acute myeloid leukemia, the woman has been in remission and free of the virus for 14 months.
Wed Feb 16 2022
Integrity-tech in Digital Economy to fight corruption

Integrity-tech in Digital Economy to fight corruption

The cure for the cancer of corruption is ultimately morals and principles, but instilling this will take some time, if ever.
Thu Dec 09 2021
The passengers on the bus go ZZZ on Hong Kong nowhere route

The passengers on the bus go ZZZ on Hong Kong nowhere route

That's the idea behind a novel tour bus business in Hong Kong billing itself as a possible cure for insomnia.
Wed Nov 24 2021
[PODCAST] Daily Dose @ 5: Slight rise in Malaysias COVID-19 cases, NZ Health system is ready for assisted-dying law

[PODCAST] Daily Dose @ 5: Slight rise in Malaysias COVID-19 cases, NZ Health system is ready for assisted-dying law

Catch up on the top stories of the day, in just 3-minutes!
Wed Oct 13 2021
Jenayah: Dua lelaki didakwa sindiket Trojan Spymax

Jenayah: Dua lelaki didakwa sindiket Trojan Spymax

Dua lelaki rakyat Malaysia yang dilaporkan diektradisi ke Singapura, hari ini disyaki ahli satu sindiket penipuan antarabangsa dikenali sebagai Trojan Spymax.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Ringgit dijangka rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka diniagakan sekitar RM4.70-RM4.71 berbanding Dolar AS minggu depan, susulan tumpuan terhadap keputusan kadar faedah Bank Pusat Australia dan data ekonomi global.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Fasa penstabilan Bursa Malaysia berterusan minggu depan

Fasa penstabilan Bursa Malaysia berterusan minggu depan

Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus stabil minggu depan dengan FBM KLCI diniagakan antara 1,600-1,620. Pelabur mungkin mengurangkan dagangan sempena cuti Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Switzerland tewaskan Hungary 3-1 dalam aksi Kumpulan A

Switzerland tewaskan Hungary 3-1 dalam aksi Kumpulan A

Switzerland tampil bergaya membuka kempen Euro 2024 setelah menewaskan Hungary dengan kemenangan 3-1 di Stadium Cologne pada Sabtu malam.

Ia sekaligus mungkin menjadi penentu untuk negara itu mara ke peringkat seterusnya dalam saingan kumpulan Euro 2024.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Sidang kemuncak damai Ukraine di Switzerland: Penolakan terma gencatan Rusia

Sidang kemuncak damai Ukraine di Switzerland: Penolakan terma gencatan Rusia

Sidang kemuncak di Switzerland membincangkan penyelesaian konflik Rusia-Ukraine. Pemimpin Itali dan Jerman menolak terma gencatan senjata Putin sebagai propaganda dan keamanan diktator.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Ribuan warga Israel banjiri jalan Tel Aviv, desak Netanyahu

Ribuan warga Israel banjiri jalan Tel Aviv, desak Netanyahu

Ribuan warga Israel membanjiri beberapa jalan di Tel Aviv pada Sabtu malam sebagai protes terhadap kekejaman Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

Protes itu antara lain menuntut pilihanraya diadakan serta menuntut perjanjian pembebasan tebusan dan mengkritik kerajaan rejim itu dalam mengendalikan peperangan menentang Hamas.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Netanyahu ikrar tumpaskan Hamas, bawa pulang tebusan

Netanyahu ikrar tumpaskan Hamas, bawa pulang tebusan

PM Israel, Netanyahu, ikrar kekal dengan misi perang untuk tumpaskan Hamas dan bawa pulang tebusan, walau prospek gencatan senjata semakin kabur.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Kekejaman zionis: Qatar, Mesir rancang jumpa Hamas bincang gencatan senjata

Kekejaman zionis: Qatar, Mesir rancang jumpa Hamas bincang gencatan senjata

Penasihat keselamatan White House, Jake Sullivan sahkan pengantara Qatar dan Mesir rancang untuk libatkan Pejuang Hamas bagi melihat sama ada terdapat cara meneruskan cadangan gencatan senjata Gaza yang ditawarkan oleh Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Joe Biden.
Sat Jun 15 2024
GRS perlu henti salahkan orang lain, selesai krisis air Sabah - Shafie Apdal

GRS perlu henti salahkan orang lain, selesai krisis air Sabah - Shafie Apdal

Gabungan Rakyat Sabah diminta berhenti menyalahkan orang lain terutama rakyat sebaliknya bersungguh menyelesaikan isu air di Sabah.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Sistem pendidikan KAFA perlu dinamik - TPM Fadillah

Sistem pendidikan KAFA perlu dinamik - TPM Fadillah

Peranan pendidikan KAFA sangat relevan dalam mendukung aspirasi pendidikan negara ke arah melahirkan modal insan yang berakhlak tinggi.
Sat Jun 15 2024