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Anugerah Perhubungan Awam Malaysia iktiraf keunggulan industri

Anugerah Perhubungan Awam Malaysia iktiraf keunggulan industri

Malaysia Public Relations Awards (MPRA) tahun ini bakal mengiktiraf penerima anugerah dalam hampir 20 kategori untuk pelbagai kempen perhubungan awam dan komunikasi sepanjang tahun.
Fri Dec 01 2023
Young generation need to understand importance of public relations - Ras Adiba

Young generation need to understand importance of public relations - Ras Adiba

The young generation needs to be provided with a deeper understanding of the importance of public relations to ensure they are aware of ethical issues when interacting with society.
Tue Dec 13 2022
Malaysia Public Relations Awards makes a grand comeback

Malaysia Public Relations Awards makes a grand comeback

Awards to showcase achievements in current industry trends and growing influence of digital & social media.
Fri Oct 21 2022
MPI plans to introduce masterclass featuring journalism bigwigs

MPI plans to introduce masterclass featuring journalism bigwigs

Chamil said the programme will be conducted by big names in the fields of journalism, public relations and corporate communications.
Fri Aug 26 2022
'Our blood is boiling': Victims angry as son of dictator closes in on Philippine presidency

'Our blood is boiling': Victims angry as son of dictator closes in on Philippine presidency

Marcos Jr. has benefited from what some political analysts describe as a decades-long public relations effort to alter perceptions of his family.
Thu May 05 2022
CNN fires anchor Chris Cuomo over role in brother ex-governor's sex scandal

CNN fires anchor Chris Cuomo over role in brother ex-governor's sex scandal

Chris had broken some of the cable news network's rules in advising his brother how to handle the allegations from a public relations perspective.
Sun Dec 05 2021
Building trust and helping businesses ADAPT for recovery

Building trust and helping businesses ADAPT for recovery

MPRA2021 call for entries. For this year, two special categories have been added to recognise the excellent campaigns implemented during the pandemic.
Tue Sep 28 2021
Ogilvy & Mather Digital Chief : Trump Up Success the Donald Way

Ogilvy & Mather Digital Chief : Trump Up Success the Donald Way

Head of Digital and Social for Ogilvy and Mather Malaysia James Gaubert shares how Donald Trump leveraged on his personal brand to carry out a successful media campaign.
Sun Dec 17 2017
Cradle, Supernewsroom team up to boost PR work for startups

Cradle, Supernewsroom team up to boost PR work for startups

The initiative is the first of its kind in Malaysia.
Mon Dec 04 2017
Two crew die as boat carrying petrol catches fire

Two crew die as boat carrying petrol catches fire

MMEA Kudat public relations officer Wan Ismauaun Wan Hamat said today the incident happened at about 7 pm as the boat was transferring the fuel in Kampung Padang on the island.
Thu Aug 31 2017
British Airways vows 'never again' after costly IT collapse

British Airways vows 'never again' after costly IT collapse

British Airways said it would take steps to ensure there was no repeat of a computer system failure that stranded 75,000 passengers over a holiday weekend and turned into a public relations disaster.
Tue May 30 2017
Police say 'minimal but necessary force' used on United passenger

Police say 'minimal but necessary force' used on United passenger

A police officer said "minimal but necessary force" was used to remove a United Airlines customer from a plane in what has become a public relations disaster for the company.
Tue Apr 25 2017
13 feared dead in fatal plane crash in Riau waters

13 feared dead in fatal plane crash in Riau waters

Its Head of Public Relations Boy Rafli Amar, in a media statement here, said the Cassa aircraft departed from Pangkal Pinang at 9.24 am and was scheduled to land in Batam at 10.58 am.
Sat Dec 03 2016
Four-year-old boy found charred in Tenom fire

Four-year-old boy found charred in Tenom fire

Sabah Fire and Rescue Department public relations officer Mohd Affendy K Ramin said Itham Nick Ivan, was found charred in his bedroom.
Sat Jun 28 2014
PR industry stalwart Millicent Danker passes away

PR industry stalwart Millicent Danker passes away

She died at the Royal Marsden Hospital where she was admitted for Pulmonary Embolism or blockage of an artery in the lungs.
Sun Aug 25 2013
Delegasi OIC ke Selatan Thailand bangga keharmonian wujud

Delegasi OIC ke Selatan Thailand bangga keharmonian wujud

Kunjungan Duta-Duta dari negara-negara Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC) ke selatan Thailand telah membuka mata delegasi bahawa komuniti Muslim dan Buddha di negara ini dapat hidup bersama dengan aman.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Lawatan Duta OIC: Beri gambaran jelas usaha perdamaian di Selatan Thai

Lawatan Duta OIC: Beri gambaran jelas usaha perdamaian di Selatan Thai

Gabenor Wilayah Pattani, Pateemoh Sadeeyamu menjelaskan bahawa OIC berminat untuk mendapat gambaran lebih dekat dasar dan pelaksanaan kerajaan Thailand bersama agensi berkaitan dalam menyelesaikan konflik serta pembangunan di wilayah berkenaan.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Aspek kebersihan semasa Masyair, jadikan Malaysia contoh kepada negara lain

Aspek kebersihan semasa Masyair, jadikan Malaysia contoh kepada negara lain

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama), Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar mahu jemaah haji Malaysia terus menjadi contoh serta ikutan kepada jemaah dari negara lain dalam soal kebersihan di Masyair (Arafah, Muzdalifah dan Mina) nanti.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Kontrak sosial perlu diperbaharui - Steven Sim

Kontrak sosial perlu diperbaharui - Steven Sim

Terdapat keperluan kritikal untuk memperbaharui kontrak sosial yang mampu memberikan keadilan kepada semua pihak susulan cabaran didepani pada zaman yang sering dilanda krisis ini.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Majikan upah tonto jaga rumah kongsi PATI

Majikan upah tonto jaga rumah kongsi PATI

Jabatan Imigresen (JIM) mengesan taktik baharu majikan di tapak pembinaan yang mengupah tonto sebagai langkah awal mendapatkan maklumat bagi membolehkan pendatang tanpa izin meloloskan diri sebelum operasi oleh pihak berkuasa.
Fri Jun 14 2024
#KamiMahuAir: Sekretariat serah memorandum, tuntut hak bekalan air di Sabah

#KamiMahuAir: Sekretariat serah memorandum, tuntut hak bekalan air di Sabah

Memorandum tersebut diserahkan susulan himpunan #KamiMahuAir yang dirancang sebagai membantah isu bekalan air yang dihadapi UMS.
Fri Jun 14 2024
TFC sumbang lima peratus hasil jualan tiket Piala FA malam ini kepada Tabung Darul Iman

TFC sumbang lima peratus hasil jualan tiket Piala FA malam ini kepada Tabung Darul Iman

Usaha itu adalah sebahagian daripada program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat kelab bagi membantu golongan kurang bernasib baik.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Aidiladha: Selangor sumbang 700 ekor lembu, 1,000 kambing

Aidiladha: Selangor sumbang 700 ekor lembu, 1,000 kambing

Kerajaan negeri memperuntukkan RM6 juta bagi menampung rakyat tidak berkemampuan melaksanakan ibadah korban.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Jangan tanam bibit perpecahan dalam negara - Anwar

Jangan tanam bibit perpecahan dalam negara - Anwar

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengingatkan penjawat awam untuk tidak menggugat prinsip utama perlembagaan negara.
Fri Jun 14 2024
Anwar ingatkan penjawat awam tinggalkan amalan buruk dalam perkhidmatan

Anwar ingatkan penjawat awam tinggalkan amalan buruk dalam perkhidmatan

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengingatkan penjawat awam untuk terus mengekalkan amalan terbaik sekali gus meninggalkan amalan buruk ketika dalam perkhidmatan.
Fri Jun 14 2024