Carian mengenai topik religious-school

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai religious-school dari Astro Awani

Teen boy, toddler allegedly die after eating food from school

Teen boy, toddler allegedly die after eating food from school

Police said the boy and the toddler was alleged to have died of food poisoning after eating food from a religious school in Gombak.
Tue Jun 11 2024
Fully residential religious schools in Perak not allowed to use plastic bottles, packaging

Fully residential religious schools in Perak not allowed to use plastic bottles, packaging

The world faces a significant threat from the negative environmental impact of uncontrolled single-use plastic, said Sultan Nazrin Shah.
Fri Feb 23 2024
Ex-PTD officer gets jail for sexually assaulting student in bathroom

Ex-PTD officer gets jail for sexually assaulting student in bathroom

A former Administration and Diplomatic officer was sentenced to a year in jail by the Court of Appeal for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old male student in the bathroom of a religious school.
Tue Jul 04 2023
Ex-headmaster of religious school pleads not guilty to bribery involving more than RM160,000

Ex-headmaster of religious school pleads not guilty to bribery involving more than RM160,000

Kamaludin Sahlan was charged with corruptly soliciting 11 per cent of the value of the project from one Romzi Sirok as an incentive.
Thu Dec 22 2022
Religious schools in poor condition can apply for maintenance allocation - Perak MB

Religious schools in poor condition can apply for maintenance allocation - Perak MB

Saarani said the applications would be evaluated by the respective district offices for approval.
Wed Mar 30 2022
14-year-old boy in remand over fire at religious school

14-year-old boy in remand over fire at religious school

The remand order was issued following an application from the police for investigation on mischief by fire with intent to destroy building.
Tue Mar 15 2022
Religious teacher to enter defence to charge of sexually assaulting student

Religious teacher to enter defence to charge of sexually assaulting student

The Shah Alam High Court today ordered a religious school teacher to enter his defence to a charge of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old student, four years ago.
Mon Jan 31 2022
20 staff, students at religious school in Jempol positive with COVID-19

20 staff, students at religious school in Jempol positive with COVID-19

A total of 20 positive COVID-19 cases have been detected among staff and students of a private religious school in Jalan Merpati, Kampung Serting Ulu, Jempol.
Wed Dec 22 2021
Houthi missile attack on mosque, religious school kills and injures 29 civilians in Yemen - minister

Houthi missile attack on mosque, religious school kills and injures 29 civilians in Yemen - minister

Two ballistic missiles were used in the attack late on Sunday, Marib governor's office said in a statement.
Mon Nov 01 2021
91 religious schools in JB to close for two weeks - Johor Exco

91 religious schools in JB to close for two weeks - Johor Exco

The closure instructions also included any tahfiz centres, pondok and schools that had not been registered with JAINJ.
Sat Oct 31 2020
Blast at Pakistani religious school kills seven, wounds more than 80

Blast at Pakistani religious school kills seven, wounds more than 80

The Taliban released a statement saying they condemned the blast and denied involvement.
Tue Oct 27 2020
JAIS to postpone religious school sessions in Petaling district until Oct 25

JAIS to postpone religious school sessions in Petaling district until Oct 25

Classes for all schools under the supervision of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) in the Petaling district have been postponed from tomorrow until Oct 25.
Mon Oct 12 2020
JAIS orders closure of surau, school in Shah Alam over COVID-19

JAIS orders closure of surau, school in Shah Alam over COVID-19

JAIS director Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad said the Surau Al-Jannah and the nearby Sekolah KAFA Al-Jannah will only be allowed to operate again after JAIS gives the word.
Fri Aug 07 2020
Religious schools, madrasah, tahfiz allowed to resume operations from July 15

Religious schools, madrasah, tahfiz allowed to resume operations from July 15

The religious schools which are not registered will have to refer to the state authorities before resuming operations.
Thu Jul 02 2020
MOH identifies 4 new sub-clusters at madrasah and tahfiz schools

MOH identifies 4 new sub-clusters at madrasah and tahfiz schools

The Ministry of Health has identified four COVID-19 new sub-clusters at several madrasahs (religious schools) and tahfiz schools that were related to the Sri Petaling tabligh gathering.
Sun Apr 12 2020
Jenayah: Dua lelaki didakwa sindiket Trojan Spymax

Jenayah: Dua lelaki didakwa sindiket Trojan Spymax

Dua lelaki rakyat Malaysia yang dilaporkan diektradisi ke Singapura, hari ini disyaki ahli satu sindiket penipuan antarabangsa dikenali sebagai Trojan Spymax.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Ringgit dijangka rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka diniagakan sekitar RM4.70-RM4.71 berbanding Dolar AS minggu depan, susulan tumpuan terhadap keputusan kadar faedah Bank Pusat Australia dan data ekonomi global.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Fasa penstabilan Bursa Malaysia berterusan minggu depan

Fasa penstabilan Bursa Malaysia berterusan minggu depan

Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus stabil minggu depan dengan FBM KLCI diniagakan antara 1,600-1,620. Pelabur mungkin mengurangkan dagangan sempena cuti Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Switzerland tewaskan Hungary 3-1 dalam aksi Kumpulan A

Switzerland tewaskan Hungary 3-1 dalam aksi Kumpulan A

Switzerland tampil bergaya membuka kempen Euro 2024 setelah menewaskan Hungary dengan kemenangan 3-1 di Stadium Cologne pada Sabtu malam.

Ia sekaligus mungkin menjadi penentu untuk negara itu mara ke peringkat seterusnya dalam saingan kumpulan Euro 2024.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Sidang kemuncak damai Ukraine di Switzerland: Penolakan terma gencatan Rusia

Sidang kemuncak damai Ukraine di Switzerland: Penolakan terma gencatan Rusia

Sidang kemuncak di Switzerland membincangkan penyelesaian konflik Rusia-Ukraine. Pemimpin Itali dan Jerman menolak terma gencatan senjata Putin sebagai propaganda dan keamanan diktator.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Ribuan warga Israel banjiri jalan Tel Aviv, desak Netanyahu

Ribuan warga Israel banjiri jalan Tel Aviv, desak Netanyahu

Ribuan warga Israel membanjiri beberapa jalan di Tel Aviv pada Sabtu malam sebagai protes terhadap kekejaman Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

Protes itu antara lain menuntut pilihanraya diadakan serta menuntut perjanjian pembebasan tebusan dan mengkritik kerajaan rejim itu dalam mengendalikan peperangan menentang Hamas.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Netanyahu ikrar tumpaskan Hamas, bawa pulang tebusan

Netanyahu ikrar tumpaskan Hamas, bawa pulang tebusan

PM Israel, Netanyahu, ikrar kekal dengan misi perang untuk tumpaskan Hamas dan bawa pulang tebusan, walau prospek gencatan senjata semakin kabur.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Kekejaman zionis: Qatar, Mesir rancang jumpa Hamas bincang gencatan senjata

Kekejaman zionis: Qatar, Mesir rancang jumpa Hamas bincang gencatan senjata

Penasihat keselamatan White House, Jake Sullivan sahkan pengantara Qatar dan Mesir rancang untuk libatkan Pejuang Hamas bagi melihat sama ada terdapat cara meneruskan cadangan gencatan senjata Gaza yang ditawarkan oleh Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Joe Biden.
Sat Jun 15 2024
GRS perlu henti salahkan orang lain, selesai krisis air Sabah - Shafie Apdal

GRS perlu henti salahkan orang lain, selesai krisis air Sabah - Shafie Apdal

Gabungan Rakyat Sabah diminta berhenti menyalahkan orang lain terutama rakyat sebaliknya bersungguh menyelesaikan isu air di Sabah.
Sat Jun 15 2024
Sistem pendidikan KAFA perlu dinamik - TPM Fadillah

Sistem pendidikan KAFA perlu dinamik - TPM Fadillah

Peranan pendidikan KAFA sangat relevan dalam mendukung aspirasi pendidikan negara ke arah melahirkan modal insan yang berakhlak tinggi.
Sat Jun 15 2024