A special meeting to coordinate preparation to receive the remains of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH17 crash victims will be held in a week or two.

Deputy Transport Minister, Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said the meeting to be attended by representatives of all related ministries and agencies, is to facilitate the process.

It will involve the Health Ministry, the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, the Islamic Development Department (Jakim), the police and the army.

"The government will make the preparation to receive the remains of victims with honours," he told reporters during an Aidilfitri function in Kampung Parit Jelutong, Parit Raja, near here Saturday.

The remains of MH17 crash victims would be brought home simultaneously and sent back to their villages for burial.

Abdul Aziz said the cost of transportation of the remains will be borne by the government.

"The remains of the victims will be received with honours. We want to express our sorrow over this tragedy where our aircraft was shot down by irresponsible parties."

Meanwhile, the government said it will announce the date of repatriation of the victims' remains within two weeks.

This was among the outcome of the visit of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to the Netherlands recently.

The prime minister will also announce a national mourning day, the first of its kind, as soon as the remains of the victims arrive home.