Kuantan PAS youths today urged the party's election director Dr Hatta Ramli and his men to relinquish all their positions in the party.

Hatta and his men, were accused of plotting to topple the party's president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

PAS Kuantan chief Fadhli Ibrahim said it was time for PAS members to realise that there is an evil attempt in the party to topple Abdul Hadi.

“What is worrying us is decisions made in PAS are orchestrated by certain elements, led by Hatta and his men,” Fashli alleged.

Claiming to have evidence supporting this, Fadhli further alleged that the group had also managed to penetrate and control more than half of the PAS Central committee members.

He said this had led the group to sabotage party decisions, leaving Abdul Hadi to be a mere puppet president.

Fadhli had also showed the media copies of the print screens of WhatsApp messages, allegedly of the group named Hawaii Five-O, with orders coming from Hatta to attack Abdul Hadi.

Kuantan PAS youths

pas hatta

pas hatta
(Some of the WhatsApp messages from group Hawaii Five-O)
Meanwhile, Abdul Hadi was seen entering the PAS headquarters for the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meet scheduled later in the evening.

Several PAS Kuantan leaders shouted “Allahu Akhbar” as Hadi entered the building.