Datuk Seri Najib Razak hopes that the capacity to love and to agree as shown in the month of Ramadan can be maintained in the coming months.

He said Ramadan was also a time to appreciate the time with family and friends as well as one's spiritual well-being, and not just containing hunger.

"I often see and feel the vibrancy of community life both in villages and towns.

"My hope is that this outpouring of love and togetherness is maintained," he said in a Facebook post entitled" Message from the PM in conjunction with Aidilfitri" Tuesday night.

Wishing "Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin" with his wife Rosmah Mansor in a video clip with a duration of 0.58 seconds that was attached, which was also aired by RTM Tuesday evening, Najib said he also hoped that the advent of the Syawal month will bring thousands of blessings to all.

The Keeper of the Rulers Seal has set Thursday for the sighting of the the new moon in line with the agreement of the Conference of Rulers to set the date for Aidilfitri based both on rukyah (sighting of the new moon) and mathematics (mathematical and astronomical calculations).